Can ultra-high molecular polyethylene (upe) be injection molded?
Japan's Mitsui Petrochemical Company developed the injection molding process in 1974 and commercialized it in 1976. Later, it developed reciprocating screw injection molding technology. In 1985, the American company Hoechst also realized the screw injection molding process of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE). In 1983, my country transformed the injection machine and successfully injected ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE) supporting wheels for beer canning production lines and bushings for water pumps. In 1985, it successfully injected medical artificial joints, etc.
It can be used for injection molding of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene UPE-5000, Mitsui L5000, L4000, Ticona HOSTALLOY 731 and other materials. It overcomes the non-melting flow rate characteristic of UHMW-PE and is specially synthesized to ensure excellent fluidity and injection molding processing.
The excellent properties of UPE-5000 are as follows:
a: Notched impact strength is particularly high
b: High energy absorption capacity under high stress rate
c:Excellent wear resistance
d: low friction coefficient
e: Very high chemical resistance to acids, alkalis and corrosive gases
f: Highly resistant to environmental stress cracking
g: Wide operating temperature range from -260°C to 90°C
h: Low density, about 50% of the density of PVDF plastic and about 40% of the density of PTFE powder. The same quality of raw materials can produce half as many products, and the cost advantage (for the same grade of wear-resistant materials) is obvious.

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